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Request for Proposals


The Todos Juntos research grants aim to support up to 10 scholars conducting research about chronic diseases in Hispanic communities. Research projects should emphasize the role of contributory causes, including biological, behavioral, social, and environmental factors; health care access; and/or the intersection of mental health and chronic disease. 


Grant recipients will receive up to $10,000 to support their research project for up to a 6-month period. All proposals must draw data in whole or in part from the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) All of Us Researcher Workbench, a major national source of health data. Researchers are expected to use the All of Us Researcher Workbench platform to conduct their analysis (see the “All of Us Researcher Workbench Access” section for more information). 


Grant recipients will receive training and support on using the Researcher Workbench through the Healthy Americas Research Consortium (HARC). They will also have the opportunity to connect with other researchers. Grant recipients will be part of the HARC within the Healthy Americas Foundation (HAF), which is the supporting organization of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health. This grants program is funded by NIH award OT2OD025277 and HAF.



Applicants must be current Masters or PhD students, faculty members, or health care professionals at an accredited institution in the United States. We seek proposals that draw data in whole or in part from the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Applications must include: 


  • Research plan (500-1000 words)

Please include a project background drawn from a literature review, research question(s) to be studied, a data analysis plan, and the expected contribution to the understanding of Hispanic health. Note: You should clearly indicate how you plan to use the All of Us Researcher Workbench. You can consult the All of Us Curated Data Repository (CDR) Data Dictionaries to review the data types available and the Data Browser to explore aggregate-level data counts.


  • Team’s previous research experience (500 words)

Please include team members’ research experience and expertise that enables you and any team members to conduct this research project.  Please include your and any team members’ proficiency in programming languages available on the Researcher Workbench.


  • Project timeline (1 page for timeline of up to 6 months)

Please include major milestones for completion of the research project. 


  • Recommendation letter (1 page)

The letter must be from a mentor who will support the proposed research effort. It should describe your and/or your team’s capacity to complete the proposed research project.


  • Budget (1 page)

Please include at a minimum any data storage and costs for analysis in the Researcher Workbench, the personnel costs for each team member, personnel fringe costs and fringe rate (if any), travel costs (if any), and any other costs.  There should be no more than a 20% indirect rate charged (see “Indirect Budget Letter” below). For data and analysis costs beyond the $300 in initial credits provided by All of Us for registered users, visit the User Support Hub for information about what influences analysis costs and how to estimate analysis costs


  • Indirect budget letter

Please provide a letter from your institution agreeing to use no more than a 20% indirect rate which on a $10,000 budget would be a maximum of $8,333 in direct costs and $1,667 in indirect costs (model letter can be found here).


Successful applicants will: (1) receive up to $10,000 to complete their research project and (2) be part of the HARC network, which provides technical assistance and training for the All of Us  Researcher Workbench.




Applications must be submitted online by clicking here with all application materials submitted by Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.  

UPDATE:  Application deadline extended to Thursday March 7, 2024 11:59pm ET


All applicants will receive a decision on their proposal by the week of March 25, 2024. For additional questions, please contact Bryan J Castro at



All grant recipients must apply for an All of Us Researcher Workbench account after receiving a HARC grant. Access is available to researchers from organizations with an Institutional Data Use and Registration Agreement (DURA) under All of Us. If your institution does not have a DURA, HARC will provide grant recipients with access to the Researcher Workbench through the National Alliance for Hispanic Health DURA that is supporting HARC. You can search or browse the list of registered institutions to confirm if your institution has a DURA in place.



The National Institutes of Health's All of Us Research Program is a historic effort to collect and study data from at least one million people living in the United States. The goal of All of Us is to speed up health research discoveries, enabling new kinds of individualized health care. The program aims to reflect the diversity of the United States and to include participants from communities that have been underrepresented in health research in the past. The All of Us Researcher Workbench stores health data from a diverse group of participants from across the United States. Researchers can use this data to conduct thousands of studies, accelerating health research and enabling individualized prevention, treatment, and care for all of us. 


By sharing their health information with us, All of Us participants are helping us build one of the largest, richest, and most diverse biomedical datasets of its kind. As of mid-January 2024, over 519,000 participants have completed initial steps of the program so far. More than 83,000 participants identify as Hispanic or Latino—that’s 16%. 



The Healthy Americas Foundation (HAF) is grounded in the experience of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, a network of community-based members that deliver quality health and human services to over 15 million persons annually and national members that provide services to over 100 million persons annually. HAF is innovating, incubating, and investing in communities. Our efforts foster community-driven efforts that improve the lives of individuals and families throughout the Americas. HAF efforts are grounded in and celebrate the role of culture; redefine health as not merely absence of illness; and nurture wellness in body, mind, and spirit. HAF focuses on three critical underpinnings to promote healthy Americas: collaboration with communities, supportive solutions, and international partnerships.



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